About Our Family

     On the next couple of pages  is a reprint of a newspaper article I wrote about 5 years after we started our journey with Autism. Like so many families, our life forever changed when our son was about 3 yrs. old. The rate of Autism was 1 in 150. Back then,  I was a mom on a mission to heal my child, educate anyone who would listen and spread the word of hope. And, like so many "warrior moms" the word NO was not in my vocabulary.
     A lot has changed since then. Jenny McCarthy is no longer in the mainstream media leading the charge. DAN doctors are now called MAPS doctors. All is more quiet on the news regarding biomedical treatments and autism. Blogging and Face Book has become the new norm in keeping in touch w/family, friends & other ASD parents.
And of course I have changed too. Oh, I'm just as fiesty as I was then, but in a mellower kind of way. Miscarriages and menopause have hit, parental deaths have added yet another new reality to our lives, and the teenage years are fast approaching for our son, which of course, brings to our family another even scarier reality. Who will take care of our son when we're gone? Will he ever be able to manuever the word? Hold a job? Fend for himself? Oh yes, the insanity of those earlier years have passed, but only to be replaced by a new quieter, calmer, accepting type of insanity. Quieter. . .because there aren't as many meltdowns. Calmer. . . well, 50something will do that to you. Accepting. . .because I think we've pretty much come to terms with the fact that our son is autistic and always will be and we are super okay with that! We've worked hard over the past 8 or 9 years to bring our pride & joy from non-verbal low functioning autistic to Asperger's. Currently he's in public school 1/2 days in the 5th Grade. The other 1/2 days he's home schooled with me or we're off to therapies.  He's been on the Honor Roll twice now and in the top tier of the Chess club. 
     So. . .now we turn the page & start a new chapter in our lives. Armed with God's grace and a certain amount of peace, we say "BRING IT ON"!  And this is how "Autism Whispers after Twilight" was born! 

1 comment:

  1. Really looking forward to reading about your journey as a family. Our son is 9 and we are filled with hope/terror for the future! Will be nice to read on your perspective and see what our future may hold when Connor becomes a Terrible Teenager!
