Thursday, February 7, 2013

With A Little Sunshine Some Rain Must Fall

     Yesterday was our son's first full day of school! May not seem like a big feat to you, but to us, who have been a home school family most of our son's life, it was a magnanemous step forward. But, with every step forward there are always steps back.
     We did our usual (but not usual for this day) late afternoon routine: 4:00: home & transition
4:30: start to prepare for homework
5:00: homework (late for us, but I figured if I could keep a similar routine we'd be out of the woods. . .ha,ha,ha, jokes on me)
5:30: dinner
6:00: shower (oh it looks like we're gonna be right back on schedule)
6:15: "Mama, can I have a little extra computer time?" "Sure", I said, thinking to myself, "oh Mitri's had a long day, he did great on his first full day, what could a little extra computer time hurt." Too late. . .mama's screwed now!
7:00: nighttime vitamins &  bedtime w/back rubs from dad (okay, somewhat back on schedule again albeit 30 minutes late. We should be fine.)
7:10: MB12 shot from mom, kisses & hugs goodnight.
Whew. . .we made it! He's in bed & I'm off to the showers, grab a bite to eat, check facebook & email, t.v. show/reading then lights out for mama!
8:30: "Mama, I'm having trouble falling asleep!" (Shit. . .no rest for the wicked) "No worries Mitri. It's been an exciting day I know. It's okay to be a little off our schedule. Let's go back to bed, mama will tuck you in again.okay."
9:30: "MAMA" (shouting & crying now) "I'm NEVER going to go to sleep! NEVER, NEVER, NEVER! My sheets are too hot" (Now, I'm pretty much close to comatose) "Mitri. . .come in & snuggle with mama. Mamma's sheets are cool. I'll turn on the fan too!" Snuggle for about 5 minutes then, "Mama, I'm going  back to my bed okay?" "Yes Mitri, of course it's okay". "I hope I get some sleep, mama. Can u tuck me in?" "Yes, Mitri, I'm coming."
10:30: All's quiet.
11:30: Mama's sleeping ZZZZZZZ
02:30: Mama's up to go to the little girls room, checks on Mitri, he's still awake! "Mitri have you been awake all night, honey?" "Yes, I'm never, never going to sleep." Snuggle, kiss on the forehead & a reassuring "Yes, you will, honey." "Nite mama, I love you." "Night Mitri, I love you too." (Oh boy, are we gonna pay for this!)
5:00: Don't really remember what happened after the crash, boom, banging of our bedroom door. I do know I dragged my ass out of my nice warm bed, showed my face to Mitri, turned around to go back to bed, closed the door & locked it. (Dad covers the 4:00am to 7:00am shift) It's now Thursday a.m.! Three hours sleep! Oh, it's gonna be one of those days. Extra strong coffee for me, please! Oh well, on the bright and sunny side of things, he made it through a full day of school and he loved it! We really couldn't ask for anything more! Yeah. . .few hours more sleep would be nice!

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